Comfort 🌸 | Sustainable 🌏 | Healthy ✅ | Every Purchase Drives Positive Impact 💜

The Hidden Costs of Periods

Behind every menstrual cycle lies an astonishing environmental and social toll. On average, a woman will use over 11,000 disposable period products in her lifetime. Now, imagine multiplying that by the 800 million menstruating women globally. This staggering number exceeds 45 billion period products annually, most of which contain harmful plastics and chemicals detrimental to both women's health and the environment.

Empowering Women, One Period at a Time

Access to healthy period products isn't just about convenience—it's about making a real difference in people's lives. Here's how:

  • Improves Wellbeing: When people have reliable period products, they feel better physically and emotionally. It's about feeling comfortable and confident throughout the month.
  • Reduces Financial Stress: Period products can be expensive, and for many, they're a significant expense. By providing them for free, we take away a source of financial worry, helping people focus on other important things.
  • Preserves Dignity: Everyone deserves to feel respected and dignified. Access to period products ensures that nobody has to compromise their dignity because of their menstrual cycle.
  • Reduces Isolation: For some, not having access to period products means missing out on social activities. By providing them, we help people stay connected and involved, regardless of their cycle.


We believe that access to period products, education, and facilities is paramount in empowering women and girls. That's why Perfect Fit operates with an inclusive business model, giving back to the community with every purchase. For every product sold, one reusable pad is donated to women in rural areas, accompanied by menstrual health education.

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