Unlocking Business Success Through Menstrual Health Support
Supporting the menstrual cycle isn't just an ethical choice; it's vital for your company's performance:
- Supporting Women's Career Growth: Many women feel their career progression is hindered by menopausal symptoms, affecting their chances of reaching senior positions.
- Reducing Missed Workdays: A significant number of women miss work due to menstrual symptoms, impacting productivity and team dynamics.
- Easing Stress and Anxiety: Access to period products at work is crucial for women's mental well-being, as many have experienced stress and anxiety without them.
- Breaking the Silence: The majority of men feel uncomfortable talking about menstrual health with colleagues, perpetuating stigma and making it harder for women to seek support.
- Attracting Top Talent: Younger generations prioritize companies that prioritize gender equity, making it essential for businesses to support menstrual health to attract and retain talent.