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  • About Us

    Perfect Fit is award-winning, women-led enterprise reshaping menstrual health in Asia. Born in 2018 between Bali and Flores Island, Indonesia, we've grown from a humble social project into a pioneering force for sustainable menstrual care and education.

Unlocking Business Success Through Menstrual Health Support

Supporting the menstrual cycle isn't just an ethical choice; it's vital for your company's performance:

  • Supporting Women's Career Growth: Many women feel their career progression is hindered by menopausal symptoms, affecting their chances of reaching senior positions.
  • Reducing Missed Workdays: A significant number of women miss work due to menstrual symptoms, impacting productivity and team dynamics.
  • Easing Stress and Anxiety: Access to period products at work is crucial for women's mental well-being, as many have experienced stress and anxiety without them.
  • Breaking the Silence: The majority of men feel uncomfortable talking about menstrual health with colleagues, perpetuating stigma and making it harder for women to seek support.
  • Attracting Top Talent: Younger generations prioritize companies that prioritize gender equity, making it essential for businesses to support menstrual health to attract and retain talent.

Our Vision

Imagine a world where every woman, irrespective of her background, can reach her dreams without limits. That's the future we're building. Leading the charge in menstrual care, we're all about challenging the status quo. Whether it's defying gender norms, bridging socioeconomic gaps, or championing inclusivity for all ages and abilities, we're on it. Our goal is to empower every woman, every day, everywhere.

  • We believe period and gender should not be our limitation
  • We champion women-led innovation and positive education
  • We create impact for women and environment
  • We nurture empathy and kindness for all beings

Our Menstrual Health Initiative

In our pursuit of menstrual health support, we're committed to three key areas:

  • Access: Ensuring easy access to period products for all employees, promoting well-being and productivity.
  • Awareness: Providing comprehensive education and awareness programs to eliminate stigma and foster understanding around menstrual health.
  • Action: Empowering organizations to take tangible steps towards supporting menstrual health, creating inclusive workplaces that attract and retain top talent.

Meet Our Founders

Tungga Dewi and Riesa Putri first met in 2017 while working together at Kopernik. Initially, they, like many others, underestimated the importance of menstrual health. Their perspective shifted upon learning a startling fact: 1 out of 4 girls in Indonesia never discussed menstruation with anyone before experiencing their first period, a reality they too faced as teenagers. This taboo not only hinders girls and women from breaking barriers in their schools, careers, and lives but also stifles innovation in period products.

Determined to change this, Riesa and Tungga founded Perfect Fit. Their vision was to pioneer innovative solutions and drive social change in menstrual health, empowering women and girls. To achieve global impact, Perfect Fit pledge to give education and reusable pads to marginalized women for every purchase of the product.

Our Partners & Supporters

Discover our stories, partnerships, and education to make positive impacts

  • Tanda-tanda menstruasi akan datang (biar kamu selalu siap!)✨

    Tanda-tanda menstruasi akan datang (biar kamu selalu siap!)✨

    Menjelang menstruasi, tubuh sering memberi tanda-tanda seperti jerawat, cepat lelah dan sulit tidur, nyeri payudara, kram, sembelit, mood swing, hingga sakit kepala. Mengenali tanda-tanda ini membantu kamu lebih siap secara fisik dan mental. Selain itu, menjaga pola makan, cukup minum air, dan berolahraga ringan bisa meredakan gejala PMS. Jangan lupa, beritahukan orang terdekatmu untuk menghindari salah paham akibat perubahan suasana hati.

  • Telat Mens, Padahal Nggak Hamil? Ini Dia 5 Alasan Logisnya!

    Telat Mens, Padahal Nggak Hamil? Ini Dia 5 Alasan Logisnya!

    Telat menstruasi bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, seperti stres berlebihan, perubahan berat badan, jadwal tidur yang tidak teratur, kondisi kesehatan seperti PCOS, atau perubahan dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi. Jika menstruasi telat, periksa rutinitas harian, lakukan tes kehamilan jika perlu, dan tetap tenang karena seringkali masalah ini bersifat sementara. Namun, jika telat menstruasi terus berlanjut atau disertai gejala lain yang mengkhawatirkan, sebaiknya konsultasikan ke dokter. Penting untuk memahami tubuh dan menjaga kesehatan secara keseluruhan agar siklus menstruasi tetap lancar.

  • Nyeri Menstruasi? Yuk, Coba Atur Asupan Kita dengan Konsumsi Makanan Ini!

    Nyeri Menstruasi? Yuk, Coba Atur Asupan Kita dengan Konsumsi Makanan Ini!

    Memilih makanan yang tepat dapat membantu meredakan nyeri menstruasi. Makanan kaya zat besi, omega-3, dan vitamin C seperti nasi pecel dan sop ayam sangat baik dikonsumsi. Sebaliknya, makanan asin, pedas, atau bersantan dapat memperburuk gejala menstruasi. Cari tahu lebih banyak tips dan mitos tentang makanan saat menstruasi di Perfect Fit!