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Creating a Period-Friendly Environment: Perfect Fit Partners with Dyatmika School Bali

Creating a Period-Friendly Environment: Perfect Fit Partners with Dyatmika School Bali

By Angelica Raras Anindiati Ningtyas

At Perfect Fit, we believe that every woman and girl deserves the knowledge, resources, and support to manage her menstrual health with dignity. That’s why we are proud to announce our recent partnership with Dyatmika School, Bali to create a #MenstruasiRamah (Period-Friendly) environment for its students and staff.

Workshops to Learn About Periods

On September 19, we organized workshops for 200 students in grades 7 to 12 at Dyatmika School. The main goal of these sessions was to help students understand menstruation and reproductive health in a clear and practical way. During the workshops, we discussed topics like what happens during puberty (changes in body, feelings, and emotions), we deep dive on menstruation for teenage girls and how others can help to make them feel more comfortable, how to manage period discomfort, debunking common myths about menstruation, and the importance of using safe, eco-friendly products like Perfect Fit bamboo pads. We also covered self-care for teenagers including  how to maintain  hygiene, stop bullying, and  embracing healthy (physically and mentally) lifestyle during puberty.

It wasn’t just the girls who participated - teachers and even male students took part in the sessions, which made the discussions feel more open and inclusive. To help everyone understand what it's like to experience period cramps, we used a period pain simulator. This allowed male students and teachers to get a small taste of what some girls go through each month. Many of them were surprised at how intense the pain can be, and it helped create more empathy and understanding within the school community.

The response to the workshops was very positive. Students appreciated the chance to learn about a topic that’s often not discussed enough, and they felt more comfortable asking questions and taking initiative. This was especially true for the male students, who gained a better understanding and even asked a lot about menstrual pad and period pain simulator after sessions. Many students mentioned that the session made them feel more confident and prepared to handle their periods in the future.

"The period pain simulator gave male students and teachers a small idea of what girls experience each month. Many were surprised by how strong the pain can be, helping build more empathy and understanding in the school."

Period-Friendly Advocates

As part of our program at Dyatmika School, we’ve selected  Period-Friendly Advocates from each class. These are students who volunteered to take on an important role in their school community. Their job is to help spread accurate information about periods, answer questions their classmates might have, and make sure everyone feels comfortable talking about menstruation. These advocates will be like "go-to" people for their friends. They can provide helpful tips, remind their classmates about where to get free pads at school, and encourage open discussions about menstrual health.

To help them in this role, we’ll continue working closely with the advocates and Ibu Irma, the school counselor, to give them the right knowledge and resources. We want to make sure they feel confident in supporting their peers. There will be follow-up sessions with them so they can stay informed and continue learning more about how to provide support.

The idea is to create a supportive community where students help each other. By having advocates in each class, we hope to make it easier for students to talk about periods, ask for help if they need it, and feel less embarrassed about something that is a normal part of life.

Free Pads at School

Apart from the workshops, we’re also making sure that students have easy access to free organic and biodegradable bamboo pads. These pads are made from natural materials that are safe for both the body and the environment. These pads are available in several locations: the offices of Ibu Irma and Ibu Gabby (both school counselors), the school clinic, and the high school office. This way, students can easily grab what they need if they get their period during school hours, without any stress or embarrassment. They can quickly get a pad without any hassle and go back to their activities.

We want to make sure that every student feels supported and prepared. Having these pads available not only helps students take care of their personal hygiene but also makes them feel more comfortable knowing that the school has their back when it comes to managing their periods.

Why This Matters and What’s Next

In Indonesia, 1 out 4  girls don’t learn about menstruation before they experience it, which can make their first period confusing and even a little scary (UNICEF) . Not knowing what to expect or lacking access to proper products can lead to girls missing school or feeling distracted during class. At Dyatmika School, we're working to change that by providing both education and free period products. Our goal is to make sure students feel comfortable, informed, and confident at school, no matter what time of the month it is.

So far, we’ve delivered 600 bamboo pads and installed four dispensers in key locations at the school, ensuring students can easily access what they need during school hours. Over the next few months, we’ll continue offering support, with plans for more workshops and activities involving the Period-Friendly Advocates.

At Perfect Fit, we believe every girl and people with periods deserves to feel supported and empowered. We’re grateful to Dyatmika School for being part of this important mission, and we’re excited to see how our partnership grows!



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