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  • From Bystanders to Allies: How Men Can Support Better Menstrual Health

    From Bystanders to Allies: How Men Can Support Better Menstrual Health

    By Nanda Bagus Menstruation: a natural, essential, yet often misunderstood part of life. Despite being a cornerstone of human health, it is shrouded in secrecy, stigma, and misinformation. At Perfect Fit, we believe in the power of education and inclusivity...

  • Breaking Barriers: Insights into the Journey of Queer Menstruators in Indonesia

    Breaking Barriers: Insights into the Journey of Queer Menstruators in Indonesia

    by Nanda Bagus   Menstruation is still seen as a taboo topic worldwide, even in today’s society.So, what happens when we bring a queer narrative and perspective into the conversation, particularly in the country where patriarchy dominates the narrative? Let...

  • Ayu's Journey: Hymen Imperforata dan alternatif produk menstruasi

    Ayu's Journey: Hymen Imperforata dan alternatif produk menstruasi

    Hi, namaku, Ayu. Sembilan tahun lalu, tepatnya 2013, aku didiagnosa mengidap kondisi langka bawaan lahir yang disebut Hymen Imperforata. Hymen Imperforata hanya terjadi pada 1 dari 1.000 kelahiran bayi dengan organ seks vagina, dan umumnya baru bisa diketahui saat memasuki...

  • A typical menstrual cycle: what happens to me and what hormones are involved?

    A typical menstrual cycle: what happens to me and what hormones are involved?

    In the process of learning more about your body , it can be empowering and useful to understand your menstrual cycle. You might have often wondered why sometimes your emotions take you on a rollercoaster ride, and how this is...